Serial Numbers '99

Serial numbers from my serials collection.
Have some fun with your registered software!!!

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

F(g) Scholar : s/n: FG0021747120
F/A-18 Hornet (mac) : 100-98-4298
FaceSpan 2.0 (mac) : FSBT-5425-9477-03
FalCon v3.0 : s/n: 033624
Falcon's Eye v0.901 (0) (FE Register) : Name: Me! s/n 1#: GISST1X6N6PJ s/n 2#: GISST6W3D5G4V7Z2G0I1A8E3WS
Falling Balls v2.1 : s/n: FBAL5511
Family Archive v1.1s : Name: EXPLiCiT Key: 15F72EBBAD9C
Family Archive v1.1.3 : Name: TCHAN Key: 15F72EBBAD9C
Family Base v1.2 : s/n: NS-100-000-003 Key: 945B-0595
FaMiLy Treemaker v1.01 for Windows : s/n: FTW11R64747
FanTasy Land +v1.20 : bbs: G.!.$ sysop: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: ABCD9235 or bbs: G.!.$ sysop: Xxx! s/n: ABCD8297
Fantasy land v1.20 : (type FANTASY /REG) bbs: Gotham sysop: Batman s/n: ABCD8651
FanTasy Photo Collection for DOS and Windows: s/n: 37200
FAOSOIL v2.0 : Type this in a DOS box: PKUNZIP -S18273645 PASSWORT.ZIP
Far v1.6 : Name: Zeloran Code: 09FA
FarStone Cache Driver v2.xx : s/n: 1-10501131
Farstone Virtual Drive V2.0 For Win95 : s/n: FNX65004617
FaSort v1.0 : Name: JUPITER [DARKSTAR] s/n: 546802989389
FASTChecks v1.0 : s/n: 1000000226841
Fast Checks v1.1 : RegCode: gcrack10000
Fast Fonts v3.3 for Windows : s/n: 05-U08355
Fast mail v1.20 beta a for Windows : 1502909616
FastFileFinder +v5.2 for Dos : s/n: CDCF1357111111 or s/n: CDCF1357323231 or s/n: CDCF1357212120
FastFileFinder v5.2 for Dos : CDCF1357111111 or CDCF1357323231
Fast Folders v2.21 : Name: Tom Nelson Jr Code: 40663A9448E14292
FastMail v1.20+a for Windows : s/n: 1502909616
FastMenu v1.0 : Name: Sune / KAC 1998 Code: 9916716
FastMenu v1.1 : Name: TheDon[Fluke] Code: 14825749
FastMove v1.01 for Dos and Windows : s/n: A9-0000000
Fast Movie Processor V1.2 : s/n: 1-450606
FastNote v1.0 : Name: SiraX/CORE Code: 82F8
FastStats v1.01 : s/n: 1234546454
Fast Stats v1.02 : s/n: 9999146608
FastStats v1.3 : s/n: 1234546454
FastStats v1.32 : s/n: 1234546454
Fast Text ClipBoard V1.3 : Name: (Anything) Key: FLicence
Fast Text Clipboard V1.4 Win95/NT : Name: (Anything) Key: FLicence
FastTrack Schedule 3.0 (mac) : 724037
Fast Track Schedule v5.01 : s/n: 1034735013645 Key: 58946 (5 users on network)
Fast Track Schedule v5.02 : Name: (Anything) Company: PREMiERE s/n: 1034735013645 Code: 58946
Fast View v1.2 : Code: 102CORE-9
Fast View Plus v1.1 : s/n: mWxMnmtE
FatPipe Internet Home v2.0 : Email: dr9808-25-00-003 License: 54057647
FatPipe Internet Office v2.0 : Email: dr9808-25-00-001 License: 76279868
FatPipe Internet Office v3.0 : s/n: bo3-tc01620001
Fauve matisse v1.24 for Windows : 1733920
FauVe Matisse v1.27 for Windows : s/n: 1733920 or s/n: 1733767
Fauve Xres 1.0.3 (mac) : 12978
Fax2000 v1.01 : Set your date to 01/01/98 and enter: Code: 11011109118
Fax for Windows v3.0 : 100401007520
FaX v3.0 for Windows : s/n: 100401007520
FaX-a-Laugh v1.0 : s/n: GB001000
FaXMaker Fax on Demand v3.0 for Windows(95): reg.Code: regico
FAXmaker for Exchange v5.55 : s/n: DE2-88C6F-19CA4-51010
FaXMaker v4.1 Networks for Windows(95) : reg.Code: regico
FAXMaker for MDaemon v1.0 : s/n: 123F96D7DCD99
FAXMaker for MDaemon v5.0 : s/n: 123F96D7DCD99
FaxMaker For SMTP v5.05 : s/n: DE2-88C6F-19CA4-51010
FaXMaster OCR : s/n: 4304A-C00-002837
FaXMaster v1.01 : s/n: 4304L-D00-999999L
FaxNow! v3.1 : Key: 100106685-2114-djhddkhohl (For 11 faxes and 50 users)
FaxPerfect v1.1 : Code: 65137278
FaxRush v4.0 : Name: Daniel Floyd s/n: 2029-0010-FBE5-8052
FaxRush v4.1 : s/n: 2FAB-0010-FF83-8052
Faxserve v2.0 for Netware : 20FX 985466 or EV 1213767
FAXserve 5 for WinNT : 2 Users: CNCXK-C14MH-XW9KK-R7YJ1 5 Users: CNCXK-C14MH-XW9KK-J7CIY 10 Users: CNCXK-C14MH-XW9KK-17IIC 25 Users: CNCXK-C14MH-XW9KK-Z7HKR 50 Users: CNCXK-C14MH-XW9KK-47L1R 100 Users: CNCXK-C14MH-XW9KK-G7M4M Unlimited Users: CNCXK-C14MH-XW9KK-I7WMI
FaXServer NLM v2.0 by Cheyenne for Netware: s/n: 20FX 985466 or s/n: EV 1213767 or s/n: 1198898
FaxSTF 3.1 (mac) : AA100187
FaxTalk Plus v2.1 for Windows : s/n: B116858EB20040
FaxWarehouse v5.0 : s/n: 999-9171-135-F75
Fax Warehouse v5.00.129 : s/n: 999-8147-587-F75
Faxx v1.0 : s/n: 3561476512232342
Faxx v3.0 : s/n: 3561476512232342
FCCD v4.02 : s/n: FCCD402-980706S00026
Feaser FTP 1.0 : s/n: FV-6181-1411
Febbs v1.9x : s/n: A5599B75 Name: Gert Bohman
FelixCad v3.1 : CD-Key: 32335F78F01
Fetch 2.1.2 (mac) : 51-1003-102157313
FFT Properties v2.0 : Name: Norway s/n: 9773160
Fido QWK +v1.25 : Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: 4D9D34E9 or Name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: 85390970
Fido QWK v1.25 : Name: Batman s/n: D6ECCA66
Field v1.0 : Name: MisterE[iNSiDE] s/n: 1634975325
Field v1.14 : Name: manife s/n: 5440451412
Field v1.15 : Name: (Any 6 character name) s/n: 1634975325
Field v1.16 : Name: manife s/n: 5440451412
Field v1.17 : Name: manife s/n: 5440451412
Field v1.19 : Name: manife s/n: 5440451412
Field v1.20 : Name: manife s/n: 5440451412
Field v1.20b : Name: manife s/n: 5440451412
Field Tester v1.1 : Name: KAC Code: 1B22111D
Field Assistant (mac) : 8E06D026670F0550
Fighter Wing from Merrit Studios : s/n: 1PKY6T89X2A or s/n: YD2V47Z3J1F
File Attribute Manager v2.21 : UserKey: FKSJLCIF RegKey: 4B7CAC9D5F959907DD
FileBar +v2.05 for OS/2 : Name: D.T.K 1995 location: Der TeufelsKreis 1995 s/n: 19429
File Buddy 3.x (mac) : FB3-00000700003
File Card 98 v2.21 : Name: Edward Malkowski s/n: TKP10936YZ
File Chopper v1.7 : Name: xOANON Code: 73-34-24-64-00
File Commander/2 +v1.40 for OS/2 : Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: 1312209132 or Name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: 1287165597
File Commander/2 v1.40 for OS/2 : Name: You! s/n: 1273367202
FileCompress Pro v1.0 for Windows : s/n: 081494-007L-00P4093 or s/n: 081494-001L-00P4093
File DownLoad Counter +v4.60 : Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 3831815372
File Download Counter v4.60 : Name: You! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 383185275
File Editor v2.9 : Name: VYLENT Company: SWP Code: 4292431135 or Name: n03l Company: Faith98 Code: 5922200
FileEx 2.00h : Name: PC97 s/n: 655552
File-EX v2.12 : Name: VERSUS Code: 76022080
File-EX v2.12a : Name: VERSUS Code: 76022080
File-Ex v98 2.12b : Name: Warp98 Code: 87163013
File ferret v1.1102 : s/n: NS-100-002-267 Key: C4EF-8586
File Fissure v1.0 : Name: Carlos Antonio Biazoto Company: CRYSTAL Key 1: BE60F6 Key 2: 1903416180736 Key 3: D35A2B-B4WX72
File Fissure v1.01 : Name: Carlos Antonio Biazoto Company: CRYSTAL Key 1: BE60F6 Key 2: 1903416180736 Key 3: D35A2B-B4WX72
File/Folder Description Centre v3.3 : Name: FALLEN Key: 1234567890 RegNum: 312fd475e72025f64901
File Force v1.0 : s/n: X-442540368699
FileGuard 2.9 (mac) : 32189-774941-560621
File Investigator v1.40 : Password: star
File Investigator v1.41 : Password: star
File JocKey v2.0 for NT : Key: 012XC514X9Xb9dXX71XR
File Locker 2.3 : 73002-50134
File Locker v1.1 : s/n: 3600728073806570537
File Locker v1.11 : Enter the following code at the startup screen: Code: 351056789078810045 Then click on REGISTER menu and enter the following: Code: 2475-67885040-44
File Mag-Net v1.13 : Name: Bisoux Code: 3371685553
File Mag-Net v1.30 : Name: zaarnik-BLiZZARD Code: 1759322142
File Mag-net v1.31 Win9XNT : Name: Blackstar TRPS98 Code: 4596764075
File Magic Professional v2.0 : s/n: 16-0012025
FileMaker Pro (mac) : 1120000
Filemaker PRO NL v2.x for Windows : 7000843902
File Maker Pro v2.1 for Windows : s/n: 7000843902 or s/n: 0001930807
Filemaker Pro 4.0 : s/n: 1-1014-1978-7099-6945
Fileman v1.0 : Name: dustie of blizzard Code: 20288935673077AH
FileMan v1.5 : Name: fallen/exit Code: 9157694100509FE
File Manager/2 +v2.42 for OS/2 1/2 : Name: T.G.A adress: G.!.$ date: 1995/09/11 node: 3 version: 2.36
File Manager/2 +v2.42 for OS/2 2/2 : s/n: 4079376399 commercial: x
Filemark v2.00 beta : Name: Batman s/n: 1031781158727839287
Filemark v2.00 beta (02) : Name: XXX s/n: 10495120105839010251
FileMark v2.00+ : Name: Batman s/n: 1031781158727839287 or Name: XXX s/n: 10495120105839010251
FileMark v2.00+ (2) : Name: You s/n: 701198934128149128194 or Name: Me s/n: 214180166571461814535
FileName Juggler 1.10 : Name: TKC/PC '97 s/n: 12345 Password: 643C-256A-ADFA
FileNamer v1.1.22 : Name: Bisoux s/n: s[@^GK
File Peek v1.2 : Name: DSI98 Code: 700818615
File Shredder 1.5 : Name: Richard Canavan ID: 7.60706606998076E+34
File Shredder v2.2 : Name: Warp98 Organization: Warp Registeration: 2533610912
File Shredder v2.3 : Name: Warp98 Organization: Warp s/n: 2533610912
File Shredder v2.4 : Name: Warp Organization: (Blank) s/n: 2518602956
FileSync v2.04 : Name: Nordic 1998 s/n: 51710010
File Tools v1.01 : s/n: ft--104689405
File Usage Monitor v1.3 : Name: elmopio [iSD98] s/n: 867-863
FileVac v1.1 : Name: SiraX/CORE s/n: 222CE339F4233723043910
FiLevel Security v1.0 : Name: REKiEM Company: PROPHECY '98 s/n: 9650497B90B2B471
fileWATCH v3.22 : Click the blue Kg 98 under the Settings tab and enter: Name: Vilmar Onofrilo Bruno Code: 1605-651B-3824-3
fileWATCH v3.23 Win9xNT : Click the blue Kg 98 under the Settings tab and enter: Name: mRFANATIc [DSi] Code: 645-S850-2288-3FAD
File Wiz v1.0 : Code: 4REAL
Filo V1.7 : s/n: 98765000-00234500
Filterwiz PRO v3.0 : Start the program and go to "register". Then enter this data: panoramix (hit enter) 127441521 (press OK)
Final v3.0 for Windows : s/n: WFNA 106311
Finale 3.2 (mac) : 89103020-006468
Finance Pro 2.0 : Code: FP100198JJ
Financial Statement Analyser and Forecaster: UserName: sandal Id: 331508392769
Find++ 32 V2.3 Win95/NT : Personal Licence: First Name: SiraX Last Name: DNG s/n: fpp32-458518 Site Licence OR World Wide Licence: Organization: DNG City: Dongle City s/n: fpp32-553424
Find n Print v2.2 : First Name: Flu[X] Last Name: DNG s/n: FWP-6648513
Finder 7 Menus (mac) : cc5187efH28b911af
Fine Print 1.1 : Name: BASSMATIC s/n: 5018-001234
Fine Print 1.30 : Name: Cyber Ghost s/n: 7040-032768
Fine Print 2.03 for WinNT : Name: _RudeBoy_ [PC] s/n: 9477-624597
Fine Print v2.12 for WinNT : Name: TRPS98 s/n: 7009-989898
Fine Print v3.00 For WinNT : Name: TRPS98 s/n: 7009-989898
FinePrint for NT v3.0 : Name: Attitude [Core 98] s/n: WWD7FRFJ7TYLT5
Fine Print v3.10a for Win9x : Click on advanced properties of the FinePrint Driver in any Windows Program and enter: Name: VERSUS s/n: WWD7FRFJ7TYLT5
Fine Print v3.10a for NT : Click on advanced properties of the FinePrint Driver in any Windows Program and enter: Name: VERSUS s/n: WWD7FRFJ7TYLT5
Fine Print v3.10e : Click on advanced properties of the FinePrint Driver in any Windows Program and enter: Name: Versus Code: WWD7FRFJ7TYLT5
Fine Print for Win9x v3.10f : Name: DSi TeAM Code: 5757-5WU7-7G45
Fine Print for WinNT v3.10f : Name: DSi TeAM Code: 5757-5WU7-7G45
Fine Print v3.11 for win9x : Name: Hambo/CORE Code: KHK7-5XPZ-732K
Fine Print v3.11 for WinNT : Name: Hambo/CORE Code: KHK7-5XPZ-732K
Fine Print v3.12 for Win9x : Name: (Anything) Code: KHK7-5XPZ-732K
Fine Print v3.12 for WinNT : Name: (Anything) Code: KHK7-5XPZ-732K
Fine Reader Light v2.0 for Windows : s/n: LSFR-003669-20011
Fine Reader v2.0 for Windows : s/n: LSFR-003106-20010
Firehand Ember v3.0.10 : Name: SerialNumberHeaven Key: 011087123968
Firehand Ember v3.1.1 : ID: CLEMENCE CORRIVAU Key: 004-541-64217
Firehand Ember v3.1.5 : ID: MOSES EZEKIEL Key: 003-147-24807
FireHand Ember v3.5 beta build3 : User: JEFFREY OVERBAY Key: 000-327-26037
Firehand Ember v3.5.10 : User: ALAN JOSEPH Key: 010-893-81537
Fire Hand Ember 3.513 : Name: CHIP BINGHAM Key: 020-555-03237
Firehand Ember 3.5.16 : Name: CAROLYN FRAPPIER Key: 014-764-92417
Firehand Ember 3.5.16 Lite Edition : Name: Dannie DaCarder Code: 020-352-73037
Firehand Ember Express v3.5.18 : Name: DSi Code: 005-080-57165
FireHand Ember Express v3.5.21 : Name: DSi Code: 005-080-57165
Firehand Ember Media Xtension v2.0.10 : Name: Dannie DaCarder Code: 018-150-53857
Firehand Ember Media Xtension v2.0.11 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 017-105-08847
Firehand Ember Pro v3.5.17 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 018-888-30557
Firehand Ember Pro v3.5.18 : Name: DSi Code: 005-837-27165
Firehand Ember Pro v3.5.19 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 018-888-30557
FireHand Ember Pro v3.5.21 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 018-888-30557
Firehand Ember Pro v3.7.1 : Name: DSi Code: 005-837-27165
Firehand Lightning v1.3.7 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.3.8 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.3.9 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.3.10 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.3.11 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.3.12 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.4.1 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.4.2 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
Firehand Lightning v1.5.1 : Name: RAY HIPFNER Code: 016-534-95237
First Aid : sn: 1000-A1B1 pc: AF10112C
First Aid 95 : Product: af11120c Serial#: 102c-fd2e
First Aid 95 Deluxe : s/n: 1332-CFDF
First Aid v1.0 for Windows : s/n: 1002-0E7B
First Aid v1.2a (2) : s/n: 1002-4AB6 ProductCode: AF10112C or s/n: 1002-0E7B ProductCode: DF10112F
First Aid v1.2a, revision C for Windows : s/n: 1003-F12B ProductCode: CF10112E or s/n: 1000-A1B1 ProductCode: AF10112C
First Aid v1.2a, revision E for Windows : s/n: 1002-4AB6 ProductCode: AF101120
First aid v1.2c for Windows : s/n: 1000-A1B1 productCode: AF10112C
First Aid v2.0 for Windows(95/NT) : s/n: 102B-9299 ProductCode: AF10020A or s/n: 102c-fd2e ProductCode: af11120c
First Aid 2000 : s/n: P-01000617
FirstSQL 2.3 Desktop : s/n: 66100012aa0b
First Things First Pro (mac) : 40000000000000
Fish & Log! v2.0.1 for Win95/98/NT : Code: fda743
Fish Byte v3.6 : Name: PGC Code: 2Q24
Five Plus v2.12 : Name: John Covington Code: 957754
Five Plus 2.50 : Name: fungus of blizzard s/n: 997772
Five Plus 2.51 : Name: fungus of blizzard s/n: 997772
Five Plus 2.52 : Name: Warp s/n: 847717
Five Plus 2.53 : Name: BaMa/MANiFEST s/n: 037746
Five Plus v2.6 : Name: BaMa/MANiFEST s/n: 037746
Five+ v2.60 : Name: TheDon[Fluke] s/n: 987754
Fix 2000 Pro v1.35 : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n: P3701-ZQJ-43810
FiXeD Asset System v9.41 : s/n: 3060461
FKWare SysMon v1.20 : Name: MANIFEST DESTINY Code: G37-8C605-F52E8-E0B-F605
FkWare SysMon v1.22 : Name: MANIFEST DESTINY Code: G37-8C605-F52E8-E0B-F605
Flag Find v2.0 : Name: zaarnik-BLiZZARD Code: F420207
FLameMask 2.6 : Name: Steve Hsu s/n: 00000000
FlameThrower v1.0.3 : Name: Daniel Servrancilx s/n: FT-103-000978-NFHJ
Flamengo Plus v1.2 for Windows(95) : s/n: HF1-120-1985057-7609619
Flare Effects v1.0 : Name: The Krazy Nomad [SiEGE] Key: GLABQLEKRS
Flash 1 of the Sausage software 1/1 : User Name: Compu Terror Computer Name: (Anything) Expiry: (Blank) Registration Key: 03N49031K2U3W8THZA78
Flash 2 : Name: JuNiOr s/n: 09RMPJK14X0W95NZZT8A or Name: Arnold Hansen s/n: 00YH2YHY001W3NL161EQ
Flash v2.01 : Name: Douglas Hill s/n: 08FL3JKZAC0JZMP44DN0
Flash Knowledge v3.0 : First Name: zoin Last Name: versus s/n: 1A4A4A242400
FlexED32 v1.5 : Name: PrOmetheus s/n: 473512142656
FlexEd Pro v2.6 FINAL for Win95/NT : Name: Chambers W Dodrill s/n: 827124148483
FlexSite 2.8a : Name: ShadE - TRPS 98 Special: 131313 s/n: 1-5067F500
Flinstone cuckoo clock for Windows : 90500100-00123
Flip Over 2.2 : Name: HID Code: GME4445
Flip Over v2.4 : Name: HAMBO/CORE Code: AMC5673
FloatMenu v1.5 : Name: Dana Stone Code: 11460543
Flow Charting : s/n: DB5S07785
Flow Pro 2.0 : Name: ^pain^ '97 Key: 381-72
Fluke Network Inspector 2.2 : s/n: twd-ivd05100t0
Fly Calculator v1.0 : s/n: 1100
FlyCrypt v1.0 : Name: kaN-LSD s/n: 1982317192
FlyCrypt v1.1 : Name: kaN-LSD s/n: 1982317192
Fly Fishing v1.2 : Name: DSG TeAM Code: WF473343
FlyingColor v1.1 for Windows 95 : Name: ED!SON '96 s/n: 2826646043
FlyWheel v1.02+ : Name: Freeware Version Code: 14018600
FMail +v1.02 for Dos and OS/2 : Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL Key s/n1: 2103461921 Key s/n2: 479359711
Fmail 0.92 / 0.98 / 1.x : Name: CEPHYR[MGE] Key1: 69886344 Key2: 1407278542
FMail v1.02 for Dos and OS/2 : Name: You! Key1: 1909407035 Key2:740316073
Fmatch 32 v1.0 : Name: Bisoux Code: 322924
FMBox v1.2Beta5 : Name: CaO s/n: 12121212
FM BOX 1.2 RC 6 : Name: CaO s/n: 12121212
FMBox v1.2 Beta 7 : Name: CaO Company: (Anything) s/n: 12121212
FoCus v1.5 for Windows : s/n: 001445914
FolderBolt 1.02e (mac) : 00993699
Folder Chart v2.01 : Name: mRFANATIc [DSi] Code: MB10FC-I
Folder Guard v.4.04 : Name: MegaDoc UCF users: 255 regKey: 3939316592
Folder Guard V4.05 : Name: MiRaMaX [RBS] Users: 1997 RegCode: 977788736
Folder Guard v4.06 : User: Virus Users: 1 Key : 1103718044
Folder Guard v4.08 For Win95/98 : Name: Virus PC's: 1 Code: 1103718044 or Name: Black Thorne - Phrozen Crew PC's: 1000 Code: 3525557363
Folder Guard V4.08d : Name: Cobra 1998 PC's: 1 Code: 1426832412
Folder Remarker v1.0 : Name: TEX98 Code: 607155676
FoLio Viewer v3.0 for Windows : s/n: 30WVU1234567
FoLio Views v3.1a for Windows : s/n: 31NFA1052015
Folio Views 4.2 : s/n: 42PFT5445455
Font Control 1.23 : Name: Steve Hsu Code: 22440
FontEzy v1.01 : Code: ksofd98764
FontFinder v3.0.2 : Name: DrRhui CORE s/n: 77-9717
Font Finder v3.4.1.7 : Name: team blizzard s/n: 598f-8800692
FontFinder 3.43 : Name: VERSUS s/n: 598f-4072828
Font Finder v3.5.2.3 for Win95/98/NT : Name: Jagar Code: 598f-3398333
FontFinder32 v4.0.0.1 : Name: zaarnik-BLiZZARD Code: 598f-10153438
Font Finder v4.10 : Name: Delphic Code: 598f-4746880
Font Finder v4.11 : Name: Delphic Code: 598f-4746880
Font Finder v4.1.2.4 : Name: EinZtein Code: 598f-5424269
Font Finder v4.32 : Name: Delphic Code: 598f-4746880
Font Finder v4.5 : Name: Delphic Code: 598f-4746880
FontFolder Lite +v2.0 for OS/2 : s/n: 1001586
Font F/X v1.10 build 122 : s/n: 388-56-12246
Font F/X v1.10.24 : Key: 388-56-19212
Font F/X DCSi v2.0 : s/n: 933-04-94601
Font F/X v2.0.135 : s/n: 933-04-94601
FontLab 2.5 : s/n: FM07-V387432
FontLib 98 v2.5 : s/n: 27510612
FontLib 98 v2.5.65 : s/n: 27510612
FontLib 98 v2.5.75 : s/n: 27510612
FontLook v3.0 : s/n: 5447213
Font Look 3.2 : s/n: 5447213
Font Magik V1.1 : Name: SiraX Code: 205192118
Font Man : Name: Steve Hsu s/n: FCD 51120
Font Print Magic v1.51 : Name: BaMa Company: MANiFEST s/n: FPM15-4106150-05670828
FontShow v2.8 : Name: n03l Organization: Faith98 Code: 4207916440
FontShow v2.9 : Name: boring Organization: ESSENCE Code: 4216184724
FontShow v3.0 : Name: fjalar Company: TEXTURE s/n: 4216602181
Font Viewer 1.0 : Name: STARDOGG [PC] s/n: PBG0213
Fontographer 4.0 (mac) : Key:FM5104l3823gc527 Serial:1104008
FontoGrapher v4.1 for Windows : s/n: 65241-0499-0166-21702
Font Monster 3.5 : Name : BETA TESTER Reg: 16983
FontMagik v1.0 : s/n: J230373Ha
Font Printer v1.0 : Name: GhostRiders s/n: 61830-92203-179
Fonts in Motion v1.0 : Name: n03l Code: 08044466
Foobar v1.0 : s/n: 1714-6309-A5CF
FooBar v1.0.4 : Name: kaN-LSD s/n: 1714-5008-95A1
Food Watcher Plus v2.0 : Code: 69374
Foongrep II 2.5b : Type this in a DOS box: foongrep.exe -+ win:kmrhrgksjhlvhmhpihtnwpwnmkptrm "Krohne"
Football Companion '98 v1.00 : s/n: 2594426955896928
Football Pool Manager V3.0 : Name: Attiude [C.o.R.E] s/n: FPM-V3-719758
Football Pool Manager v3.5 : Name: IBH-RiP [Blizzard] s/n: FPM-CC-185736
ForeHelp v3.01 : s/n: FHE0300-100022
ForeVB V2.0f : s/n: VBE0200-100054
Forkeeps v3.6 : License: Denise S. Harvé License Number: 1589-114230 License Type: D45-é795-M361308
ForKeeps v3.91 : Name: Brian Jones License Number: 1655-118916 License Type: B33-S207-M363700 Program Type: zi214-357142
ForKeeps v3.92 : Name: Brian Jones License Number: 1655-118916 License Type: B33-S207-M363700 Program Type: zi214-357142
FormEd v1.0.0048 : s/n: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (16 z's)
FormKeeper v1.8.0 : s/n: 112471410721
Form Keeper v1.9.0 : s/n: 112471410721
FormoEd 1.0 : Name: Daniel Desjardins s/n: 00011-mcab-01870
FormoEd 1.1 : Name: Daniel Desjardins s/n: 00011-mcab-01870
FormoED v1.18 : Name: Daniel Desjardins s/n: 00011-mcab-01870
Form Publisher v1.21 for Windows : s/n: FPW71211289
Form Z 2.6.1 (mac) : PPC Z-0100-0014011
FormPAL 2.5 Standard : s/n: cd9f7628921df006
FormPAL v3.4 Standard : Name: Joseph Sciandra Company: None s/n: 1825c91f5135d173
FORMZ RENDERZONE FOR WINDOWS V2.91 : s/n: Z-0200-0019999
Formtool Gold for Windows : 374C1
FormTools Gold v2.0 for Windows : s/n: 31291134
FormTools Gold v3.0 for Windows : s/n: FPF173263
Formula One Professional ActiveX v6.0 Final : Key: VCI.FBA5.05.00.0020861366
Forte Agent v.99f release (32-bit, WIN 95) : WHGW8335-GLVH8SBR-8E5XR2MD-WZ5BUJU5-7TBYFNSW
Forte's Agent 99.f 32 or 16 bit : JYJ13VTV-6HXSBZFE-VFG2EKKW
Forte Agent 32bit 1.5 beta build .450 : Key: JYJ13VTV-6HXMBZFE-VFG2EKKW
Forte Agent 1.5 : s/n: JYJ13VTV-6HXMBZFE-VFG2EKKW
Fortres 101 v4.0 : s/n: 18765-2310623-567
FotoExplorer v1.0.1 : s/n: 219240251a68
FotoStation v3.5 Build 17 : s/n: 06FK-115A-14F8 Key: QA6C9DC605DD
FotoStation v3.5 Build 19 : Name: (Anything) Company: (Anything) s/n: 06FK-115A-14F8 ProductKey: QA6C9DC605DD (Leave the Quark XTension Key as it is)
FotoStation v3.5.19d : s/n: 06FK-115A-14F8 Key: QA6C9DC605DD
Foto Station v3.5.37 : s/n: 06FK-115A-14F8 Key: QA6C9DC605DD
FotoStation v3.5.1 Build 42 : s/n: 61AR A76F 9295 CD Version: T55EB59D47D9 IM Version: T7CEC19D47D4 ED Version: T1BEDD9D47C7 Pro Version: T22EE99D47D8 DCS PRO Version: TC44129D47F1
FotoTouch v2.1 : s/n: SCAL028482-F210
Four Seasons v1.12 Win95/NT : Name: PEIDO98 s/n: 6865135
Four Solitaires from Russia v1.01 : Code: SSG-103-5730-6831
Four Times v2.0 : Name: zIP/PGC s/n: QV200-21004
Four Winds v1.02 : Name: Riz la+ s/n: 4W10-132538342
FoxBase v1.1 : s/n: FMD027877 password: EMZXPYEI
Fox v2.0+ : Name: iCEMAN [uCF] Key: FX105038528
Fox Fire 13 Solitaire v2.00 Win95/NT : Name: PEIDO98 s/n: 120690
FOX PRO 3.0B : 111-111111111
Fracas 1.0.1 (mac) : 68530 'Anonymous'
Fractal Design Add Depth : s/n: AW-100-1-2716-52987
FracTal Dabbler v1.0 for Windows : s/n: 5014788-4960 or s/n: 5019229-6978 or s/n: 5011380-8195
Fractal Design Dabbler for Windows : s/n: 5011440-0287
Fractal Design Dabbler v2.0 for Macintosh : DM200RAZ0005482-GHMU-001
Fractal Design Dabbler v2.0 for Windows : DW200RAZ0005482-VDHD-001
Fractal Design Detailer 1.0 : s/n: VW100RAZ0001436-CVMT-001
FracTal Design Painter Pro v3.1 for Win95 : PW310RAZ0010460-QHJJ-001
FracTal Design Painter Pro v4.0 for Win95 : PW310RAZ0010460-QHJJ-001
FracTal Design Painter v2.0 for Windows : for the X2 s/n: 0700585AQK
FracTal Design Painter v3.0 for the MAC : PM300RAZ0001418-GLGQ-001
FracTal Design Painter v3.0 for Windows : PW300RAZ0002607-EANY-001
Fractal Design Painter 4.03 : s/n: PW400EAZ0001921-BXYE-005
Fractal Design Painter 5.0 : s/n: PA500RAZ0015375-GGSM-001
Fractal Design Poser 2.0 : s/n: FW100RAZ0002042-NTHV-001
Fractal Design Poser v3.0 : s/n: FA300RAU0015692-YDAQ-001
Fractal Design Sketcher for Windows : s/n: 0300023NFF
FracTal Designer v1.0 for Windows : s/n: 5012226-2312
Fractal Design Expression 1.0 : s/n: EW-100-1-8226-32620
Fractal Imager V1.1 : s/n: ffffff
FracTal Poser v1.01 for Win95 : s/n: FW100RAZ0002042-NTHV-001
Fractal Poser 2 : s/n: FW100RAZ0002042-NTHV-001
Fractal RayDream Studio 4.1 : SW-410-1-2847-62287
Fractal Design Ray Dream Studio 5 - Program Manuals: Ray Dream Main Program: SW-500-1-4356-32162 3D Fun Pack: FP-500-1-8734-39832 The Four Elements Pack: 4E-500-1-3476-31659 SuperMesh(TM): ZA-500-1-4129-29897
FraMe +v2.01 : bbs: G.!.$ Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: TA7O3O5WMUJTTKTEPQIS8LNGRVHKEQ
Frame-IT v1.15 : Name: tHATDUDE Reg: 12540
FrameBuilder for Windows : s/n: 04-0-01-01-4-0056A-916E2D
FrameMaker 4.0 (mac) : 00-0-01-01-4-89693-CFF7AE
FrameMaker v2.1 for Windows : s/n: 2-01320-27 or s/n: 2-02071-17
FrameMaker v3.0 for Windows : s/n: 5-001000-68
FrameMaker v4.02 for Windows : s/n: 00-0-01-01-4-00C2F-3C9DB0 or s/n: 00-0-01-01-4-005CF-90DEDC
FrameMaker v4.02 for Windows (2) : s/n: 04-0-01-01-4-0056A-916E2D or s/n: 00-0-01-01-4-00C2F-3CNDB0
FrameMaker v4.02 for Windows (3) : s/n: 00-0-01-01-4-0059E-2E00D2
FrameMaker v5.00 for Windows(95) : s/n: 00-0-01-01-4-00D4A-D62C70
FrameMaker v5.00 for Windows(95) (2) : s/n: 00-5-01-01-3-1CFF4-805A65 or s/n: 00-0-01-01-4-00C27-70D5EF
FrameTool WYSIWYG HTML Design Tool v2.0 win3.1 : s/n: S10687781.36 Judy Miller
FrameWork IV v1.0 for Windows : s/n: 1121221-10 or s/n: 3333333-21 or s/n: 5031960-24
FrameWork v4.0 : s/n: 00-0-01-01-4-0059E-2E00D2
Franklin Audio Rack v1.0.20 : Code: AR-9020
Franklin Audio Rack 2.0.11 : Code: Ar-9020
Franklin BlackJack v1.02 : Code: BJ-2010
Free Cell Plus 1.1b : Name: Steve Hsu Code: 178488
Freecell Wizard v1.0.0 : Name: PAMELA WILLIAMSON Code: b8z3v37dr9
FreeCell Wizard v1.1 : Name: RUBY BARNETT Code: magptchmxx
FreeDom of the Press v2.2 : s/n: 1019849
FreeFilter v1.0 : Code: 29-26774
FreeTel for Windows : s/n: 1292-0039-0768-5802
FreeHand v8.0 : s/n: FHW800-08616-67028-30467
FreeMem Professional V3 : Code: 880012345678
FreeMem Professional V4 : Code: 296094047829
French Assistant 1.0 (mac) : M2100906
Fresh Water Fishing Doorgame : Name: Wayne Moore s/n: 3906
Frog Hop v1.1b : Name: DSG TeAM Code: 6536$81
Fromino Lute tab editor v2.0 : UserName: JaZzMaStR RegCode: rhd,npn
Frontdoor request processor v1.11 : (edit FDRPR.CFG) line #1: KeyName: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL line #2: Keynumber: 123456C202D21B
FrontDoor v2.11 : s/n: FD001123456
FrontDoor V2.12 : Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: FDMMi1MwMz9MMiMMiMMi
FrontDoor v2.20a Multi Line : Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL serial input: 12345 s/n: 0000:3039
FrontDoor v2.25 : Key: UCF-UCF-UCFUCF-UCF2G4 Code: ASFGFD-ASWDHH-EWFD80 Data: RyDeR_H00k! [UCF]
Frontier 1.0 (mac) : ULF.10108.100
FrontMan Designer v4.1.330 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Desginer v4.1.303 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.327 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.330 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.336 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.339 : Password: transfer
Frontman Designer v4.1.343 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.344 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.355 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.359 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.393 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.1.398 : Password: Transfer
FrontMan Designer v4.4 : Password: transfer
Frontman Designer v4.4.14 : Password: transfer
FrontMan Webpage Server v4.1 : Password: ocean
FrontMan Webpage Server v4.4 : Password: ocean
Frontpage 98 : s/n: 0401-1527965
Fruity Loops 1.2.10 : Name: fungus/factor Code: 845166
F Search v1.4 : Name: VERSUS '98 Code: FXS-276-62532-9077-FXS
FTbar! v4.5 : Name: stalker Code: 5701385
FTGate v2.0 Beta 11 : Name: Attitude [C.o.r.E] s/n: 05023-12051
FTGate v2.1 : Name: Attitude [C.o.r.E] s/n: 05023-12051
FT Gate 2.1.03 : Name: jog/DNG Code: 13912-12051 or Name: Attitude [C.o.r.E] Code: 05023-12051
FTGate v2.1.05 : Name: PREMiERE s/n: 05023-12051
FTP 2000 : Name: Steve Hsu Code: IKELSTC:EM
FTP Browser 1.25 for OS/2 : jaft1ca583sjm
FTP Control v2.0 : Name: forcekill Code: FZojB mail: xxx@xxx.xx
FTP Control v2.9.4 : Name: EzD - VERSUS Code: ZwrG
FTPEdit 2.0.1 Build 24 : UserName: Pjotr 97 Company: JaZZ s/n: 2027132230
FTPEdit v2.10 build 35 : Name: cheerokie - ml Code: 1013627298
FTPEdit v2.10 Build 49 : Name: cTT Company: TRPS '98 s/n: 1013524450
FTP Express v1.00.009 : Name: G-RoM Code: 11666
FTP EXPRESS V1.00.012 : Name: +JUANDA s/n: 500131
FTP Express 1.5.010 : Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN [PC] Numba: 5535548
FTP-Max v1.1 : Name: BLiTZ / [PC97] s/n: NGVJGJ6XSAY4EJ
FTP OnNet32 for Win95/NT : s/n: 1990-3007-1872 or s/n: 7704-8703-1522
FTPorter Client v1.0 : Name: justarius Company: inside s/n: 5A9DAC54FBEEC33
FTPorter Server v1.0 : Name: justarius Company: inside s/n: 5A9FAC8C888EG31
FTPPro98 v6.20 : s/n: 162679232 Key: 44331
FTPPro98 v6.3 : s/n: 162970281 Key: 89092
FTP Server-U Daemon v1.1i for Windows : s/n: .Va7/0nRUR./Kermu
FTP Server-U Deamon v2.00 fro Windows(95): s/n: r8fZajeU3JY,ED!SON '96
FTP Super TCP Professional v1.1 : s/n: D95-930-00
FTP-Server daemon for Winsock v1.1 for Windows: .Va7/onRUR./Kermu
FTP Voyager V4.0.4.1 : Name: blastsoft email: ID: 00002e59
FTP Voyager : Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN [PC] Email: SDC@Cracker.Com s/n: 000012be
FTP Voyager v5.0.30 : Name: forcekill email: xxx@xxx.xx Code: 000070a6
FTP Voyager v6.0.0.1 : Name: Weapon 98 Email: s/n: 7e9fe5fec440ff8a424b30e1fe17
FTP Voyager v6.0.0.2 : Name: PREMiERE Email: Code: 00006329
FTP Voyager v6.0.0.5 : Name: High Voltage Email: s/n: 823e29505540ffa4508fa8e1fe5c
FTP Wolf v1.03.000 : Name: MCVD 1997 Code: FW1-154645
FTP Wolf v1.03 for Win95/NT : Name: CORE/JES s/n: FW1-186485
FTP Wolf v1.3for Win95/NT : Name: CORE/DrRhui s/n: FW-246832
FTP Wolf v2.00.002 : Name: RAGGER/CORE s/n: FW-168442
FTP Wolf V2.x : Name: SNH Code: FWO-533704
FtpWolf 2.xx : Name: DanThaMan/fACTOR '98 s/n: FW666-134744
FTP WOLF V2.01 BUILD 001.2.002 : Name: knoweffex Code: FW2-252686
FtpWolf v2.01 : Name: s/n: FW2267-892679
FTP Wolf v3.00.002 : Name: Blackstar TRPS98 s/n: FW1-114220
Fuel v1.01 : s/n: 9022
Fuel Consumption Calculator v1.01 : s/n: 9022
Fujitsu Cobol V3.0 L10 FINAL win95 : s/n: 103-2001 16 [ 76-01429-20140 ]
Full Contact 2.0.2 (mac) : 9310401FBE0750A
Full Control v1.0 beta 5 : s/n: FullControl
Full Control v1.0 : s/n: R4123856689
Full Control v1.01 : s/n: R4123856689
Full Control v1.1a : s/n: R4123856689
Full Control v1.5 : s/n: R4123856689
Full Control v1.5a : s/n: R4123856689
Full Control v1.5b : s/n: R4123856689
FullDisk v2.2 : Name: Byte Ripper s/n: 76951AC6
Full Disk v3.2 : Name: Warp s/n: 7B75F4EA or Name: Faith s/n: 8C1E4823
FullDisk v3.4 : Name: Warp s/n: 7B75F4EA
Full Impact 5.5 (mac) : 0000000-00 (XXXXXXX-AA X=any #, AA = sum of x's)
FullFind v1.22 : s/n: 9873J003r7
Full Find v3.0 : Name: MANiFEST s/n: 9873J003r7
FullWrite Pro 2.0x (mac) : 10000000-88000000
Fund Manager V3.2 : Name: SiraX s/n: 987654321 Code: hRgmy4nr
Fund Manager v3.2.103 : Name: SiraX/CORE s/n: 987654321 Code: hQgme4jr
Fund Manager v3.3.109 : Name: SiraX/CORE s/n: 987654321 Code: hQgme4jr
Fund Manager v3.4 : Name: PROPHECY '98 s/n: 09876 Code: mKJnm3kr
FundRaiser Basic v1.06 : Name: elmopio [iNSiDE] s/n: WHD-HRF-GBNW
FundRaiser Basic v1.11 : Name: elmopio [iNSiDE] s/n: WHD-HRF-GBNW
Funnel Web v1.51 : s/n: FWB-100A-484764-A211
Funnel Web 2.01 Win9xNT PRO : Name: ShadE Company: TRPS s/n: DEM-957D-123455-Z953
Funnel Web 2.01 Win9xNT Standard : Name: ShadE Company: TRPS s/n: RAK-774M-123455-Z681
Funnel Web 2.02 Win9xNT PRO : Name: ShadE Company: TRPS s/n: DEM-957D-123455-Z953
Funnel Web v2.03 Professional : Name: ShadE Company: TRPS s/n: DEM-957D-123455-Z953
Fusion DBL CD : s/n: 557-0251-01
FusionMail v1.0 : Key: FM0370037762100370
FusionMail v1.10a : Key: FM0370037762100370
FWB CD ROM Toolkit 1.5.5 (mac) : C38292117
FWB HDToolkit 1.8 (mac) : JA130420B3I
FWB HDToolkit PE 1.2.1 (mac) : P58115C71
FWB Raid Toolkit 3.2 (mac) : UA010466C3C
FWS Easy File : Name: Demon s/n: 58849-393352
FX Edit v3.1 : Name: fjalar Company: TEXTURE s/n: 0014607941

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